Home Blog 2013 Thanksgiving in Nashville

2013 Thanksgiving in Nashville

by jrwarfield

Thanksgiving this year was a different affair than we were expecting, but lots of fun and so laid back! Gail decided to stay in Ohio for Thanksgiving this year, so we were invited to Nashville to be with Kira and Andrew and his family. We committed to attending kinda late, so most of the dishes had been split up between all of the different women, but I feel like I got to make awesome things none the less.

Kelly and her husband Eric live in Nashville and they signed up to do a turkey which they were smoking. Kira was making the mashed potatoes, gravy, a glazed ham, asparagus, and the sweet potato casserole. Sarah whose husband and kids were also at Kira’s made the stuffing and green beans. I made the pies, bought ice cream to go along with it, made cranberry fluff, and brought spiced cider. Jolene and Wayne were getting as much grandkid time as they could squeeze in.

photo (2)Grant and I left around 8am in the morning from Huntsville, since we were only going to be in Nashville for a day trip since there were already so many people at Kira and Andrew’s House, and we were too lazy to pack our stuff.



DSC_9473The pies I made, one apple crumb pie, one sour cherry pie, one spiked chocolate pecan pie, and a pumpkin pie.

DSC_9472Our drinks area, and the crock pot I brought with the spiced cider.

DSC_9477The edging on this pie turned out so pretty, the others ended up tasting fine,but not looking as pretty,but that is okay.



DSC_9479Sarah’s amazing green beans, I need to get the recipe from her.

DSC_9488Andrew made a fire in the fire pit so that Tru could roast a hot dog and eat it.

DSC_9491All of us made most of the food in advanced so here we are hanging out before it was time to eat.

DSC_9494Tru could make Alana laugh sooo much.

DSC_9513The main table we sat at.

DSC_9524Tru was running around very interested in everything.




DSC_9540Andrew was also getting a work out throwing Tru around.

DSC_9548Right before we started eating. The smoked turkey was amazing, I had never had a smoked turkey before.

DSC_9552In line getting our food, the dinner was so much fun and relaxed. It always amazes me how fast the food is gone.


DSC_9555But eating the food is a lot of work which makes for amazing naps.

DSC_9354We tried to take some family pictures for Kira and Andrew, but none were perfect enough since Alana was distracted and not having any pictures even if Sarah was great at helping to pose them.

DSC_9564We took some group shots for them which turned out really well.


DSC_9605A shot of us, not the best of all of us, but in the rest we were blinking or looking away so it will have to do.

DSC_9619Since Kira and Andrew were going to be in Houston this Christmas just like we were, the Fleshman family had an early  Christmas to exchange gifts as a family.

DSC_9621Henry opening some of his gifts.

DSC_9628This picture made me laugh so hard, Henry took it upon himself to open all of Alana’s gifts too. So, he wasn’t happy when Alana was going to try and open her own gift.

DSC_9642Then Henry thought Andrew was stealing his gift when really he was setting it up so they could play with it.


DSC_9654Watching everything unfold.

DSC_9682Andrew and Kira got the boys an inflatable ball pit, so here is Andrew working hard since they couldn’t find the correct attachment for his air compressor.



DSC_9683Toward the end of opening gifts Alana got some Mama time.

DSC_9687The Wack-a-Mole game was a huge hit since Henry was allowed to hit something with mallets.



DSC_9696The blown up ball pit.

DSC_9704 I am sure Kira and Andrew were finding spray plastic balls all over their house after this.

We had such a great time at their house, everything was so tasty and because it was all planned so well in advanced it was very low stress.

Around 9pm we headed back to Huntsville, and made it back in time to see all of the Black Friday shoppers already in lines at Target and other stores. We didn’t participate at all, and both relaxed since we had Friday off.

Thanks Kira and Andrew for the wonderful time, and I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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1 comment

Kira December 30, 2013 - 1:11 pm

Love this post and all the pics. I’ve been wanting to get a thanksgiving post up and now I’m thinking I might just write something short and link it to yours 🙂


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