I was wanting some more pictures of Reese. So since fall pictures of babies in pumpkins are all the rage, I decided we would jump on that bandwagon. Our amazing photographer ,Grant, did all the picture taking, while I did the post processing on the computer. We both have no clue what we are doing,but we figured we would give it a go. Our “photoshoot” ended with Reese tipping herself in the pumpkin onto the bench and hitting her forehead. Poor Reese, parent of the year awards to us. :/ But she was fine a few minutes later and enjoyed her bath after this.
This year for Halloween, I wanted to do some fun decorations. I decided that a pumpkin vase would be fun to do,but I wanted to do my own twist on it. I looked up a ton of tutorials,but none of them ever did much stuff with the actual pumpkin. So I decided I wanted to do a glowing pumpkin. Here is my tutorial and final product.
The second to last weekend in July, we took Reese on our first road trip to Nashville. This trip should be two hours each way. On the way to Nashville, Reese slept most of the trip, and was just starting to get fussy when we made it to Kira and Andrew’s House. We had no idea what to expect with Reese. We didn’t know if she would decide to not sleep even though we have had her in the pack n play in our room when we had lots of guests, but she did really well.