Home Blog My Latest Eshakti Dress

My Latest Eshakti Dress

by jrwarfield

I was super lucky to be contacted again by eShakti to do another review on one of their dresses. I got to pick which one, and this time I decided to try a sleeveless one since I don’t have one of those from them. If I ever get asked to review another one, I am hoping to get a sheath dress. I have very extreme proportions, and so getting one that actually fits my hips would be awesome!



As you can see you can pick the dress, and then change it as much as you want from the neckline, dress length, sleeve options, pockets vs. no pockets, and then of course you put in your exact sizes so they always fit.




They are also now making all types of bridesmaids and event dresses, mine actually came from that section as well.


I chose the Lilian Dress in red,but I actually didn’t change much. I put in my exact dimensions, made sure it had pockets because you can never tell in their dresses by bulky layers that there are pockets, and boy are they convenient.


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So without further ado, the dress.

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I am in no way a fashion blogger, so it was kinda fun to dress up and take these picture.

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The back of the dress.


Of course, you have to show off the pockets.

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It was interesting, since we took these in a park on a saturday morning, to have to wait until people passed and not bothering them on their hike to take these pictures.


I was impressed with how well the dress held up. I wore it in the car, then while hiking to this spot, and then sitting on benches, logs, and a rough window sill. This was one of the later pictures, so it was still looking great. I also love the folded detailing,but I guess since I had something similar on my wedding dress there isn’t much of a surprise that I picked this dress.

DSC_1932And just keeping it real, the shoes I wore while hiking to that bridge. 🙂 I got a lot of side long glances from the other hikers.


 Thanks to my wonderful husband, who found out about this park online, drove me there, and took about 300 pictures just to make sure I had enough good shots for this post.

Also, if you are wanting to order your own dress from eShakti, use this coupon code BEGNTCRFT to get 10% OFF when they shop at eShakti – valid thru 04/21/2014. If you have trouble with this code, comment below, and I will make sure to get it working!

See my other eShakti review HERE!

Disclosure: I received 1 dress for free from eShakti.com in exchange for agreeing to write about it. All opinions and content here are my own. I currently have 2 other dresses from them that I am happy with.

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Holly February 7, 2015 - 5:27 pm

Can I ask how tall you are? I’m debating if I want to custom this dress to be knee length. From the pictures it looks like it hits above the knees.

jrwarfield February 7, 2015 - 5:30 pm

I’m 5’5″ I hope that helps.

Holly February 7, 2015 - 5:31 pm

Yes that helps! I’m 5’5″ as well so now I know I want it a little bit longer than your pics. Looks great on you!


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