Home Blog Huntsville snowpocalypse

Huntsville snowpocalypse

by gswarfield

For the last 2 weeks, we have had cold weather and snow and freezing rain here and there,but nothing too crazy that would stay very long. Huntsville has no equipment to really deal with snow of any kind, any snow or ice shuts the city down. So, yesterday we got about 5.5″-6″ of snow in a very short time, so here are some of our pictures and videos. It is a nice light and fluffy snow, that is very pretty to look at.

#snowpocalypse #snowmageddon

Here is a time lapse video that Grant took with his phone. This is starting at 3pm, and I think we stopped it around 5pm.


Picture of the mountain you can see in the distance.


Down our street.


Front of the house.




Golf Course behind our house.


Back of the house.


I know we got more than the 5.5″ because some had already melted, but at good estimate at least.


Grant took a picture of me as I was coming in after taking pictures outside this morning at 7am.


Never thought my snow boots and fur hat would get much use in Huntsville.

Hope you are all safe and having a great day!

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1 comment

Mom (Grammie) February 26, 2015 - 11:42 am

I had heard you guys got 6 to 8″ of snow! Well enjoy and just know I don’t feel for ya, cause we are have 8 to 10 on the ground and are getting 1 to 3 more up here in the great state of Ohio! Love you guys.


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