Today Reese started her first day of “school.” We are sending her to a Mommy’s Day Out program a few days a week for 4 hours at a time. Yesterday the local schools started, and Reese had her open house to meet her teachers and see her classroom. Today was her first official day. Here are some of the pictures of everything for you to see.

At this age, the kids don’t really play with one another,but Reese was perfectly happy with this school bus toy.
Here is a video of her playing in a portion of the room during the open house portion of the visit before school started officially.
For drop off at School you form a line with cars, and the teachers come and take each child out. They want the children to be more independent, and I guess this helps them some how with this. Reese was fine with her teacher taking her out,but cried when she noticed that I too wasn’t getting out of the car. Grant and I are used to this, as Reese always cries when we drop her off at Sunday school or the nursery at Church. Lately, she has gotten used to going to Sunday school or the nursery so she doesn’t cry as often or as early. We have been told by the workers that the second she is distracted she stops and is a happy camper until she sees us to come pick her up.
When I went to pick up Reese today, I hoped she would be playing, so I could get a view of what she was doing without her seeing me. But a few other parents were picking up kids from other rooms, so she was already watching this all occur, and saw me right away which cued the tears. Her teachers said she had a wonderful day, and were really surprised that she was crying. I had to explain that she always does that when we pick her up, so here is to hoping that, that portion will get better. They said she was tired cause she had been playing with her hair which I can totally understand since her normal nap time was closer to 11:30/12:00pm rather than 12:45/1:00pm. We aren’t sure how this will affect her sleep schedule,but we shall see.
After I held her for a few seconds Reese calmed right now, and was waving bye bye to her friends and teachers and intently watching all of the other kids and families who were leaving or arriving. Once in the car Reese babbled up a storm; I just wish I knew what she was telling me about! She went down for her nap in less than 10 minutes so I know she was worn out. We really hope that this program will help Reese since she is VERY attached to me, and this will give her a chance to socialize with other kids as well. She also gets to do fun crafts and daily music class that she wouldn’t be getting with just the two of us at home.
Reese, Papa and I love you SO much and are so proud of you.
1 comment
[…] posted HERE about Reese’s first day of School in her preschool at our church. In that post, I showed how […]