Reese’s Thirteen Month Update – The stats for these posts are taken on the day Reese turned 13 months old, but all of the information and content is everything up until the point she turns 13 months old. (5/11/16-6/11/16)
It is nearly impossible to get her to lay down for these pictures without Grant there.
We don’t have Stats for this month because there was no doctor’s visit. The only reason I’m finishing this post up is that this will show her development through her 12th month of life until she turned 13 months old.
Time lapse video of Reese baking a cake with us.
Here is a time lapse we took of us coloring with Reese.
Peekabo is still exciting.
Reese playing at the splash pad.
Being Silly with Papa
Here you can see Reese eating watermelon which she loves,but she is getting much better with a fork as well.
Here is another video of Reese using a fork.

We got Reese a bike helmet, and she loved putting it off and on. Here she is looking at her reflection.
Riding with Mama.
Reese likes dipping things in ketchup.

Playing in the rain is always fun.
A video of the park.
Reese saying Glasses in German. She sees me wearing mine every morning, and so is always very interested in them.
What Reese says when we says “Baden” or to take a bath.

We still go on walks. She has also mastered the Miracle 360 cup since we aren’t thrilled with her contigo sippy cups. They always break in one part or another.
One of the funny things Reese started doing with her Contigo sippy cup though was carrying it around by her teeth/mouth rather than lifting it with her hands.

Reese loves balls, so when Aldi had a sale I got her one. She didn’t even realize she would get to keep this one she was just excited to be holding it.
Playing with the ball and Papa after work.
Here is Reese walking around the Gym, the floor is more springy so it took her a while to get used to it.

We still enjoy going to the library for story time. They have toys we don’t have at home that we can play with while there.
Reese loves to dance to music. Here she is having fun with the birthday card my mom got her.

We try to keep Reese flexible by occasionally changing up her routine like eating dinner in the guest room while installing a ceiling fan.
We occasionally eat out at Sam’s Club for lunch after Church, and this time we got a frozen Yogurt. Reese loved it.
One of the cool pools that the kids can play in, at the botanical gardens.
Reese will play in here randomly during the day whenever we need a break and to be outside.
Reese is starting to do more animal sounds.
How Reese says “ribbit ribbit.”
Reese was weaned this month. I wanted to wean around the 12 month mark,but I hadn’t timed it quiet right. I wanted Reese to be okay with the weaning and not force her. It actually ended up going easier than I expected. Over time, anytime I cut out a feeding, I offered her a sippy cup with pumped milk from the freezer, but would still cuddle with her. Then I was down to the last 4 feedings a day, and I cut out one nap feeding, and then the other giving almost 2-3 weeks gap between cutting a feeding out for her to get used to it. Then when I cut out the morning feeding which I expected to be really bad, she seemed fine with it since we offered her pumped milk from the freezer so she wasn’t thirsty. Two days later she just refused to nurse before bed, and refused again for the next 3 nights. Then I realized she had self weaned. I think she was getting annoyed with how long she had to wait for a let down(a whole 30 seconds) where a sippy cup was instantaneous. So I’m thrilled that it was gradual, that we were able to nurse for a year, and that the weaning was painless for both of us emotionally. We still have a stash of milk in the freezer so we will use that up, and then gradually switch her over to a different milk.
In preparation for baby number 2, we have stopped changing her diaper in our room, and moved all of the routines into her room including bed time. She adjusted no problem; we just had to be intentional about it all. We also added brushing her teeth to the list of things.
Reese went down to one nap right around the 12/13 month mark. She stopped sleeping well for her two naps, and only gave me a longer nap, if it was one longer one in the middle of the day. It is very nice when she sleeps 2-3 hours in one stretch,but also hard knowing that I won’t have another nap later in the day if I don’t get as much done as I had hoped during her nap. When she is teething or not feeling 100% then she won’t sleep as long which makes life a lot harder because then she is very very cranky.
Reese has started wearing shoes. Sometimes she will even bring them to us to put on her. We try to keep her barefoot at home since it is healthier,but in public and outside we tend to put shoes on her.
Reese does a lot of baby sign language. Please, more, all done, drink, and eat (which she does incorrectly instead of putting her fingers to her mouth, she used to point at her mouth. Then it morphed into pointing at her nose, and now she picks her nose sometimes to mean the same thing, but at least we know what she is saying.) I think she might say other signs,but those are all I can remember right now.
Reese is very shy and clingy to me espeically. She would rather be somewhere and cry for me than be held by someone else. In general, I prefer her to be wary of others,but it can be a little bit wearing at times. I know some of this is a phase, and some of it she will grow out of. She has learned to be almost 100% dependent on me so I can understand why she is this way. We recently had a visit with my family, and my sister Tanya was surprised how long it will take Reese to warm up to people, but I have been told that Grant was very similar when he was younger as well. I know that her cousin Alana was similar when very young, but is now VERY extroverted. So, I’m interested to see what Reese’s personality will be like when she is older.
Reese does very well with water hitting her in the face. She prefers taking baths,but will occasionally shower with us as long as she has toys to play with.
Reese got her 7th tooth on 6/3/16.
Reese playing with bubbles and with Papa. Grant is much smarter than me on the bubble blowing technique.
Thanks for reading, and this is my last monthly update post for Reese. From now on, I will just be doing posts as they happen and catching up from some I have missed in the past. We just wanted to document the first year in this way for references’ sake, and plan to do this for baby #2 as well.
1 comment
She’s getting so big! Great pics.