Sebastian’s Five Month Update – The stats for these posts are taken on the day Sebastian turned 5 months old, but all of the information and content is everything up until the point he turns 5 months old. (2/01/17-3/01/17)
We totally forgot to take his five month stats,but we will have his six month ones in the next post because he has a doctor’s well visit that month.
Grant and Reese can make him laugh the most,but sometimes I’m successful too.
We practice sitting up, and he is doing pretty well so far. He likes holding his chew lamb and crinkly toys and books to play with. He isn’t a fan of his car seat, but doesn’t despise it like Reese did. We have his next car seat ready, so soon we will switch him.
Sebastian is always looking at and grabbing at his feet. Sometimes he will almost face plant when practicing sitting because he wants to get so close to them. We sometimes put a blanket on them just so he isn’t always trying to get them.
I could listen to him laughing all day.
We are still cloth diapering both kiddos which is nice. We have them separated by color to make it easier. So all blues, reds/oranges, and black and white diapers are his, and all of the rest are Reese’s diapers. In a pinch, we can set them to the size setting for either kid,but it makes it nice having certain diapers set for each kid for regular diaper changes. Sebastian gets more rashes than Reese did, but I think it is more due to what I am eating. He seems to be more sensitive to me eating diary and beans, but peanuts don’t seem to bother him.
So far Sebastian is super happy and outgoing. He will smile at most people that give him attention.
Sebastian picks up toys, chews on them, waves them around,etc. Here you can see him with one of his rattles that he likes to play with. I think his fine motor skills are right on track. Reese was more advanced then him I think,but he moves and is more active than she was without a doubt.
Sebastian rolls over all the time now. I have to be really careful where I put him on the ground because sometimes he will roll so far that he will bump his head on something.
He responds to his name when he wants to. We know he can hear us,but sometimes he chooses not to look at us if he is really enthralled with something. Other times he looks right away. He always smiles at us and Reese and knows that we are his family. We are working on asking him where Mama, Papa, and Reese are.
Sebastian tolerates baths, but doesn’t want to be laying down for them. If we have him sitting while holding one arm, he is a much happier camper.
We had more sicknesses this month which wasn’t fun,but so glad we are all over them.
Sebastian will blow bubbles and almost spit with how he makes noises with his lips. He plays in his exersaucer,but still doesn’t jump or bounce in it. It is very hard to clip his finger nails and toe nails, he is very strong and unless I have him very distracted, he fights me on it.
We also go to some play dates that we are invited to while Reese is at school or on Tuesdays since Reese is home we either go to a playdate or host one.
Sebastian likes to be startled, tossed into the air, and isn’t as nervous about things as Reese was at this age.
He is grunting, squealing, and squawking,but no sounds like da da da or ba ba ba yet.
Here you can see us at the Park and Sebastian swinging with Grant.
Also sliding with Grant.
We are still nursing, and he is doing great. I pump once a day for my freezer stash for after I wean him. When he wants to nurse he will smack his lips which is super hilarious. He is also getting more distracted while nursing. So if he hears Reese, he stop nursing to look at what she is doing and smile at her. It is super cute,but also annoying at times. We have tried giving him a sippy cup of pumped milk which we know is super early,but Reese slowly started getting the idea around six months. So we figured we would give it a shot,but he just chewed on the straw so we will try again later.
Here is Sebastian trying food right when he turned 4 months old. He wasn’t a fan as you can see. We skip all cereals and go straight to pureed veggies, some fruit, and soft boiled egg yolks.
We gave him a few weeks before trying food again, and since then there has been no looking back. He loves food. So far he is a big fan of green beans and the egg yolks more so than any of the fruit purees we have tried. Thanks Kira and Andrew for the big stash of green beans. I normally make my own food,but Jackson wasn’t a fan of green beans so we got a big supply.
Sebastian sleeps super well at bedtime and through the night,but still takes pretty short naps. Most of the time they are 35-35 minutes a piece which does make it hard to get things done. I’m trying to work with him to stretch those out so we will see if we are successful. He is awake for about an hour and fifteen minutes before his first nap in the morning, and after that he is normally awake two hours between naps.
He has been more fussy off and on, drooling a ton, chewing on anything,but no teeth in sight yet. Sebastian does not like having his face wiped off, a dirty diaper, being hungry, or tired. He also is VERY squirmy or tries to “noodle” as we call it whenever he is bored or in a position that he has decided isn’t what he wants.
Thanks for reading our update on our little Sebastian. It is crazy to think he has been in our family this long! He is such a perfect fit for us, and God knew just what he was doing. Seeing your spouse interact with your child is amazing,but seeing your children interact and laugh together is almost just as wonderful to see. I pray that Reese and Sebastian grow up to be good friends at least in adulthood if childhood is still a little tough. 🙂