Reese’s Eight Month Update – The stats for these posts are taken on the day Reese turned 8 months old, but all of the information and content is everything up until the point she turns 8 months old. (12/11/15-1/11/16)
Reese’s Eight Month Stats (We took these ourselves so we tried to be as accurate as possible.)
Weight: 17 lbs 8 oz (43rd percentile)
Height: 28 in (84th percentile)
Head: 17 1/4 in (60th percentile)

The building where Grant works had a Christmas open house that Reese and I got to attend. Well, they had a professional photographer take pictures of the kids with Santa. Grant said ALL of the other pictures turned out this bad and blurry. But as you can tell, she wasn’t thrilled with Santa.
It is much harder to change Reese’s diapers these days since she is so rolly, wiggly, and plain impatient with having her diaper changed. We are still cloth diapering and loving it.
Sitting on Grant’s shoulders and pulling his hair makes her happy.
Reese still loves food; we haven’t found anything that she dislikes yet. Spaghetti is one she does like a lot though.
She likes drinking out of a regular cup or with a straw if we will let her.
Reese has been loving books lately; just how much she interacts has changed a ton. Here you can see when we first started some of the touch and feel books with her.
One of her favorite books that Tante Raya sent Reese. Here she was just trying to see what was on each page,but after a week she flips the pages so fast for you, you can barley keep up.
Here you can see how much more advanced with turning the pages she is.
Reese is very vocal, here are just a few of her sounds. These days she can say BABABABABABA, DADADADADA, NANANANANA, and she even says MAMA now even though it isn’t associated with me.
Here you can see Reese can turning circles, but not moving forward yet. We were facetiming with Gail and Leah June on Christmas Day.
Reese is wearing 9 month onesies but sleepers and pants in 12 month size.
Reese is enthralled by our roomba. We have been trying to slowly show it to her so she doesn’t get scared of it.
Here are just some of the fun games Grant plays with Reese.
Grant can still get the best belly laughs from Reese.
Reese is down to two naps a day, and has 2 1/2 to 3 hours between naps these days.
Peekabo is one of her favorite games.
She still loves drinking out of her contigo. Thanks Daniel and Sarina for the recommendation.
Reese still likes the exersaucer and especially bouncing in it while seeing herself in the mirror.
Reese’s fine motor skills are getting so much better. She likes to feed herself puffs and other foods if we let her.
Here is Reese the day before she officially learned to crawl. I know she is naked here so sorry,but her expression after our excitement was just cracking us up!
Here is a video of Reese the day she turned 8 months old where she is Crawling.
Thanks for reading this update on our little Reese!
1 comment
As always this was so precious! Thanks for putting in the peekawho book! I really liked seeing her enjoy it with Grant! And the video of her learning to crawl was SOOO cute!!!! I loved it!! Keep the posts coming!