I am now 33 weeks, so here is my 32 week update.
Check out the week 31 update Here:

When I was pregnant with Reese.
How far along: 32 weeks
How big is baby: Three pounds twelve ish ounces or up to four pounds and the size of a head of lettuce/bok choy.
Weight gain: 25 Pounds
Sleep: Sleeping is harder these days due to my large stomach, and needing to pee off and on. However, the biggest reason for less sleep has been Reese. She is getting her two top molars in, and wakes up occasionally at night. I know that once this guy is here any sleep will be welcomed,but it is strange waking up at night when your used to getting a solid nights sleep. I just hope Reese can get all of her molars in before he comes so we only have to wake up with one baby. Normally Reese isn’t affected by teething,but I know these are big ones to get poor thing.
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: I have been loving mineral water, and any food that involves as little cooking as possible so our house doesn’t get hotter because of oven use. Sushi, Mexican food, and nectarines are top on my list of go to foods.
Movement: He moves a ton, and has occasional hiccups which are fun. More than anything, I can just tell when he is sticking a leg or foot out while stretching since he is quickly running out of space in there. He is very active from 9pm on which doesn’t make me thrilled for when he is here because Reese was the same way, and it took some work to get her nights and days fixed as a newborn.
What I’m loving: At my last gyno appointment, my doctor again confirmed he is head down as well as that I’m still measuring 2 weeks ahead which I can totally believe since I feel HUGE.
Symptoms: I have had a little bit of heart burn, and I can tell that he is head down because everything is pushing down harder than it was with Reese at this point.
What I’m looking forward to: We had Gail come for another visit, and it was lots of fun to see Reese interact with her now that she is older and more fun to play with. It is easier to play with a child that can show you what they want to do even if that means reading the same hedgehog book 12 times in a row. We also bought a new double stroller that I’m very excited about using once he arrives. I have done HOURS of research, and I am very hopeful that we will be happy with this one. We also found it used on craigslist in mint condition so that doesn’t hurt either.
Thoughts: I can’t believe I’m already in the 8th month of pregnancy, it is all going so fast! We just ordered all of the remaining “need” items for this baby from our baby registry using our competition discount from amazon so everything is starting to feel more real. We also brought down all of the baby stuff from the attic, and are slowly setting it up so that Reese can get used to seeing it in use.
Let me know if you have any questions!
To see our Amazon Baby Registry.
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