Sebastian’s Twelve Month Update – The stats for these posts are taken on the day Sebastian turned 12 months old, but all of the information and content is everything up until the point he turns 12 months old. (9/01/17-10/01/17)
Sebastian’s Twelve Month Stats
Weight: 20 lbs 4 oz. (30th percentile)
Height: 30.5 in (71st percentile)
Head: 18 in (37th percentile)
This month there were a lot of firsts for us as a family, I was invited on a girls trip to Nashville to stay at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel.
Sebastian doesn’t use a pacifier anymore, he only did that for the first month or two of his life. He doesn’t suck his thumb or have a blanket.
Sitting in all kinds of boxes and containers is a constant activity for him.
Sebastian loves story time. I try to take him since this was something I did with Reese. He is different at Story time than Reese was. She loved just sitting in my lap and observing everything. During the play time during the 0-2 year old story time, Reese would wait until half the kids had left before going and playing. Climbing the library stairs is a favorite activity.
Letting him eat with a spoon is a love hate relationship. I love how well they learn to eat, but there is a cost of clean up and mess. I think it is worth it and tend to let them use a spoon. However, when I do want them cleaner, I use THESE refillable pouches which are awesome!
I use Bentgo Kids Lunch boxes for both my kiddos. So far I am VERY happy with them as well as with their customer service. I pack Reese’s lunch for School, and I also pack Sebastian’s. He gets HANGRY when he wants food so it is nice having the food already packed.
Sebastian is very good mechanically. He can stack blocks, he likes putting his mega blocks together and taking them apart, and almost has unscrewing something down.
HERE is the recipe for our Protein Pancakes.
I got a bubble machine for less than $5 at Walmart on clearance, and it was a huge hit for the kids when it was too hot or too many mosquitos out to go outside.
Sebastian LOVES crayons. He loves trying to eat them, he loves coloring, but mostly he just likes carrying them around with him.
We still send Grant pictures and greetings during the day, but since his job has changed. He doesn’t have his phone on him that often.
Sebastian isn’t as verbal as Reese was. He understands everything we are saying, and is very good with his baby sign language, but doesn’t say as many words as Reese did at this point. He is more expressive than she was so it is easier to tell if he is happy, sad, interested, excited, etc.
We still go to a lot of parks, like I said in the last post we are very close to complete independent play at parks.
Sebastian is a good sleeper, and is down to one nap. He is still down to one feeding just in the evenings, and I plan to wean him a week or two after his first birthday. He eats really well still does the baby sign language for all done, more, please, food/eat, and drink.
He is still wearing 18 month clothes. He has very light skin and hair and bright blue eyes. People always comment on his eyes.
Peekaboo is still one of his favorite games.
Putting things into containers and pulling them out is still one of his favorite things. He constantly “helps” me with stuffing cloth diapers.
We also decided to get a Membership to botanical gardens. Here you can see Sebastian in one of the sand box areas playing.
We also went to Concerts on the dock which are also free outdoor concerts. It was hot, but a lot of fun. Putting things into and out of things is a lot of fun for him.
Sebastian starting taking his first steps and walking this month too. So he just like Reese was walking at eleven months.
Here we are just playing at big spring park after feeding the ducks.
Sebastian showing off his mad walking skills.
Here is Sebastian on the slide and walking around our sunroom.
We also went to our first ever Oktoberfest party as a family. My friend Svenja, her Husband, and two daughters hosted on this year. Here you can see Sebastian “helping” us with our corn hole game.
Sebastian has a stuffed Lion that he has in his crib as well as a few other stuffed animals my mom got him that he likes. He loves hugging, kissing, and wrestling with his stuffed animals.
Lift the flap books and books where we search for things are his favorite. He loves getting books, bringing them to you, and then sitting on your lap so you read them to him.
We sing a lot of songs, twinkle twinkle little star, the itsy bitsy spider, head shoulders knees and toes, open them shut them, and a lot of library songs are his favorites. He loves participating and does hand motions for most songs. He loves giving kisses, hugs, and he is very sweet. If he has something that Reese wants, if she asks him for it he tends to just give it to her. He can also give a high five and wave.
Thanks for reading.