Reese’s Seven Month Update – The stats for these posts are taken on the day Reese turned 7 months old, but all of the information and content is everything up until the point she turns 7 months old. (11/11/15-12/11/15)
I was wanting some more pictures of Reese. So since fall pictures of babies in pumpkins are all the rage, I decided we would jump on that bandwagon. Our amazing photographer ,Grant, did all the picture taking, while I did the post processing on the computer. We both have no clue what we are doing,but we figured we would give it a go. Our “photoshoot” ended with Reese tipping herself in the pumpkin onto the bench and hitting her forehead. Poor Reese, parent of the year awards to us. :/ But she was fine a few minutes later and enjoyed her bath after this.
This year for Halloween, I wanted to do some fun decorations. I decided that a pumpkin vase would be fun to do,but I wanted to do my own twist on it. I looked up a ton of tutorials,but none of them ever did much stuff with the actual pumpkin. So I decided I wanted to do a glowing pumpkin. Here is my tutorial and final product.