Home Blog Pregnancy Post – 23 Weeks

Pregnancy Post – 23 Weeks

by jrwarfield

I am now 24 weeks, so here is my 23 week update.

Check out the week 22 update Here:

22 weeks
23 weeks

How far along: 23 weeks

How big is baby:  Seventeen ounces and the size of a large mango.

Weight gain:  5 Pounds

Sleep: Still sleeping well,and doing much better getting close to 8 hours than I did while traveling.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Loving Yogurt, Ginger Peach Decaf tea, grapefruit, and apples with peanut butter as well as any spicy foods.

Movement: Lots more movement where Grant has been able to feel it a few more times.

What I’m loving: Getting to feel her move, getting to hear her heartbeat at our last appointment. Also, this week was my 27th birthday, so it was fun to get a few extra treats that I’m sure baby didn’t mind.

Symptoms: I can just tell my stomach is getting bigger, and that I look more pregnant. Still lactating and had a yeast infection this week,but luckily it wasn’t a bad one. I can also tell I’m a little bit more forgetful, so I have just been making lots of lists.

What I’m looking forward to: That we will be moving into our house soon, and getting to work on fixing it and the nursery up. 

Thoughts: That our move goes smoothly, and that we continue making as much progress on the packing as we are doing right now.

Let me know if you have any questions!

To see our Amazon Baby Registry click HERE!

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