So today, I hit week 15,but here is my week 14 update.
I am wanting to sew myself a family advent calendar. I haven’t decided which one to make yet,but below are some of my favorites! Some have tutorials, and some are ones that can be purchased as is. I remember loving the Advent calendars that I grew up with. I’m leaning toward the second one. I just want one that I can reuse yearly. I might change my opinion later and make another one,but there is nothing wrong with that. I am already getting excited about the holidays. If you like Pentatonix (an all acapella group that does a modern twist with their songs,) you can listen to their Christmas album for free here!
I know I am going to be playing catch up on some of these posts from a while back,but I figured better late than never. Kira and Andrew were kind enough to invite us to their house for Labor Day. Wayne, Jolene, Kelly, and Eric were also there which was a nice time to see them again.
I know a lot of people won’t be interested in reading these pregnancy posts which I totally understand. So I will try to keep the same title so it is very easy to skip this post if reading it isn’t interesting to you. I also plan to keep a similar layout each week just so you know what to expect. Grant likes routines so I figured might as well implement it for a few months on the blog too. So I plan to only have one picture per week, and then an update answering the same questions. Since this is the first post however, I will post pictures that we have before 12 weeks as well so just you can see the beginning progression… sorry we skipped week 8.