So we currently have an Ikea dresser which has held up very well considering we bought it used. We have wanted to build ourselves some real wooden bedroom furniture,but for a while we didn’t know where we would be living or how much room we would have whenever we did get a house. So, now that we have a house, we still plan to build ourselves new bedroom furniture. However, our current set still functions very well, so we haven’t really gotten to that point since there are so many other things that are a higher priority for us. Our ikea set is made with particle board which has held up well, but the drawer bottoms are a cheap thin almost cardboard type material. So even though I don’t put super heavy stuff in it, over time it does tend to sag. So, we started looking up a way to fix it without having to get rid of the dresser. Some tutorials pretty much show building a new drawer and attached it to the existing face frame which would be doable,but just overkill for how much longer this dresser might actually last us.
So in the beginning of January, in the middle of trying to buy our house, I got to go visit Austin. We had my tickets bought for a while, so the timing wasn’t the best for the house stuff, but Grant managed to handle doing most of the stuff without me. Our realtor said he seemed more frazzled since I prefer to handle most detailed planning things,but he did a great job! This was my first visit to Austin in 2 YEARS which is insane to say,but boy did I love being back and getting to see so many friends and most of my family. I have been wanting to visit for a while,but needed a time where tickets were more affordable and needed to be early enough in my pregnancy to where I could still fly. So, January fit the bill there. Then my sister Tanya and a few of my friends decided to also throw me a baby shower during this time which was a huge surprise and blessing! I was able to have this visit and not use any of my vacation time as I want to save it for my maternity leave. I was able to work during the week like normal in the office, and then in the evenings see friends and family. So, I was able to fly in on Friday the 9th of January, well I arrived on the 10th around 1:30am because of flight delays so it was very nice that Wilson was still able to pick me up from the airport. Then at 10am on the 10th was my baby shower, and it was Harry Potter themed!!! I had no idea which was a huge surprise,but of course I loved it. My hostesses put so much time, effort, and love into planning this shower. I felt so loved and blessed that people wanted to plan a shower for me and even attend and give us gifts/gift cards for our little girl. It was so wonderful – Thank you again to all of my hostesses and of course my sister Tanya.
For a while now, I have been making truffles at least during the holidays. I started out hand rolling the truffles and dipping them in chocolate which works pretty well,but then I realized I could use a candy mold which I describe the process here. That worked wonderfully too,but then I found out about these truffly molds that make my life SO much easier. I bought one of the huge molds which is pretty expensive, but they have smaller versions if you prefer to make smaller batches. So here is my new system for making truffles.
I have been using DIY Gel Nail kits for around a year now, and I still love them just as much as when I bought my first kit. I have gotten a ton better at painting my nails and making them look good then in the very beginning,but that is just how it goes. I still had issues though with my nails breaking or the polish peeling up. I take vitamins, and have strong nails,but the corners would sometimes chips or slightly bend which would cause the polish to come off of the nail. So here is how I found out how to keep that from happening. I’m not a nail professional, I have just found what works for me.
I was told that having a pregnancy pillow can be a life saver when you really start to get bigger. I wanted to have one,but not pay a lot of money for it. I was very interested in this Leahco Snoogle pillow, but I wasn’t a fan of the price. So, when I found one through a local facebook group, I decided to buy it used for $20 than new for $55. I know some people are really against a pillow used, so this part is whatever you prefer. I washed the pillow and the case it came in, but the muslin case was stained even if the pillow wasn’t. So I decided that I wanted a new cover for it. Well the covers range from 30 to 4o dollars. Which I didn’t really want to pay. So, I found this tutorial online,but wasn’t a huge fan of the extra seams that she had to sew on her cover. So, I made my own, and have taken step by step pictures. I hope this helps!