Sebastian’s Six Month Update – The stats for these posts are taken on the day Sebastian turned 6 months old, but all of the information and content is everything up until the point he turns 6 months old. (3/01/17-4/01/17)
Here are some of the better photos that were taken of us as a family while I was pregnant with Sebastian. We are very happy with how they turned out. As you may notice, we are wearing very similar outfits as with our photoshoot while I was pregnant with Reese. For us it just felt right to echo the first set of photos since both children are so close in age. Soon we will need to schedule a new family set since Sebastian is now 6 months old!
In the very beginning of December, we got to the point where Sebastian was not only sleeping through the night,but he was also more predictable with bedtimes and nap times. We knew our eventual goal was to have our kids share a room while they are young. We don’t have a huge house, and having a guest room/sewing room is worth it to us right now. Eventually when the two are older, we will give them their own rooms. We just felt like sharing a room for a portion of their lives really gives them life skills that we want them to have. I asked for help from other parents of children who have them share a room about when they put them together, and what their strategies were. A lot of people gave different opinions, but one that stuck out to us was a friend who said they put theirs together as soon as the youngest was out of the parent’s room. We try to do things as early as possible that we hope will pay off in the end even if it is harder and more work in the beginning. For instance, our version of sleep training is a lot of work and consistency, but in the end, it is amazing to have a child who sleeps well and is predictable to a certain extent with sleep.