Sebastian’s Twelve Month Update – The stats for these posts are taken on the day Sebastian turned 12 months old, but all of the information and content is everything up until the point he turns 12 months old. (9/01/17-10/01/17)
Sebastian’s Eleven Month Update – The stats for these posts are taken on the day Sebastian turned 11 months old, but all of the information and content is everything up until the point he turns 11 months old. (8/01/17-9/01/17)
Sebastian’s Ten Month Update – The stats for these posts are taken on the day Sebastian turned 10 months old, but all of the information and content is everything up until the point he turns 10 months old. (7/01/17-8/01/17)
Sebastian’s Nine Month Update – The stats for these posts are taken on the day Sebastian turned 9 months old, but all of the information and content is everything up until the point he turns 9 months old. (6/01/17-7/01/17)
It took me a long time, but I finally got the photos from our photographer, so here are Sebastian’s newborn photos. He looks so different to me, but I’m glad I have some of both kiddos. Enjoy!